Titanium Power Up Game

description Programmed physics-based interactive game for Philip Johnson and Associates and Titanium Micro . From PJA’s YouTube trailer and description: “Gameplay served as a metaphor for overcoming the things consumers dislike about Internet security (slow PC speeds, annoying pop-ups, scary warnings). The game included a sweepstakes component and functionality to share scores on Facebook and […]

TrendMicro Threat Widgets

descriptionProduced several widgets for PJA and TrendMicro showcasing their malware and spam services. Used Papervision 3D to give an engaging view of their corporate offices around the world. Used Yahoo Maps API integrated with Flash to allow users to browser malware and spam activity by country. technicalFlash AS2, flv video, Papervision3D, Mapping API

PJA Web Site

description Produced new corporate entrance page to PJA web site, including animated sliding banner components that displayed various media, from video to blog feeds, to flash animated content. technical Flash AS2, flv video, rss