ConstructionVR and Payette

    description Working with ConstructionVR, Max Media has been consulting and running workshops to support the VR efforts of architectural firms in the Boston area, including Payette. ConstructionVR offers full-spectrum consulting in all types of immersive visualization for developers, architects, construction companies, urban planners, and others. Using the HTC Vive as well as Oculus Rift, […]

Renegade Buggies Game for iOS and Android

description Developed with FableVision for the National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) and Dollar General Literacy Foundation, Renegade Buggies is a mobile game that teaches basic budgeting skills to kids by combining gaming and money management skills. Built in Unity 3D for iOS and Android, Max Media developed the game using an infinite runner style, […]

Con ‘Em If You Can Game for iOS and Android

description Developed with FableVision for the Doorway to Dreams Fund, Con ‘Em If You Can is a mobile game where the player “assumes the role of a con artist learning key techniques – phantom riches, reciprocity, scarcity, social consensus, and source credibility – to scam the residents of Shady Acres. The intention is that by […]

Adobe MAX Mobile Guide

descriptionProduced mobile conference guide for Adobe and Untravel Media including all session information, schedule, and related videos streamed directly to the phone using the Flash Lite 3.1 distributable player. Layout would dynamically adjust depending on current orientation (landscape vs portrait) of the device. technicalFlash Lite, flv video

TrendMicro Threat Widgets

descriptionProduced several widgets for PJA and TrendMicro showcasing their malware and spam services. Used Papervision 3D to give an engaging view of their corporate offices around the world. Used Yahoo Maps API integrated with Flash to allow users to browser malware and spam activity by country. technicalFlash AS2, flv video, Papervision3D, Mapping API

Citrix Chatterbox

descriptionWorked with e-Tractions and Network World to produce an interactive, 3D content browsing interface for Citrix white papers. Each content square on the 3D cube can be visually related to other squares based on tags embedded in the data, and controlled via a slider bar.  technicalFlash AS3, Papervision3D

Leapfrog Backyardigans game

description Worked with 360KID to develop two games for the Leapster L-Max based on the Backyardigans animated television series. Programmed in Flash 5 with hooks into the Leapster API. The games included the “Frozen North” and “Beach.” technical AS1.0, Leapster

Hasbro ION Educational Gaming System

description Worked with 360KID to develop several games for the innovative Hasbro ION Gaming System, including titles for Bob the Builder, the Wiggles, and Blue’s Clues. The ION system is “an electronic learning tool that uses unique motion-sensing technology to put your child live in the game, right on your TV.” technical AS1.0, integration of […]

Books By You

description Worked with Fablevision and Knowledge Adventure to produce Books By You, a language arts software product for ages 8 and up. Features: Four exciting story lines – endless possibilities Answer John Lithgow’s simple questions to transform the stories Change and edit each chapter of your book Challenging words are introduced to expand vocabulary Import […]